Cauliflower & Tofu Gratin with Stilton

Cauliflower and cheese &#8212 a winning combination if ever there was one. One of my favorite childhood meals was a steamed cauliflower with cheddar cheese sauce. But today I had a small amount of Stilton left over and decided to use this elegant cheese to create a rustic dish comprising mostly of leftovers.

The result was a very sophisticated lunch item. The combination of firm cauliflower, smooth tofu, and plain rice provided a satisfying combination of textures. Their mellow flavor was the perfect backdrop to the tangy strength of the Stilton.

The inspiration for using hot water and creme fraiche as the base for the sauce came from Delia Smith's Cauliflower with two Cheeses and Creme Fraiche recipe, in which she uses Parmesan and Gruyere. The Stilton made this really special, though, and wasn't overwhelmingly rich. You'll be surprised and how quick and easy this dish is to make.

Recipe (2 servings):
1 small cauliflower, cut into florettes
3-4 oz firm tofu, cubed
1 cup cooked rice
3 oz stilton, crumbled
2 tbsp creme fraiche
2 tbsp hot water

Steam the cauliflower for a few minutes, until it is partially cooked, but still has crunch.

Put hot water and creme fraiche in a non-stick skillet and stir over medium low heat until well combined. Add the cheese and cook additional minute. Add in the tofu, cooked rice, and steamed cauliflower and place into two individual ramekins and top with cayenne (and additional cheese if desired). Place gratins about 4 inches from the broiler and broil until the top is lightly browned (5-6 minutes).
