Raw Beet Soup & Hemp Seed Pesto

The recipe is this simple: Peel two beets and dice. Place them in a blender with water and blend until smooth. Add a chopped apple and more water, as needed. Add an avocado and water to desired consistency.

The taste is a wonderful blend of earthiness, sweetness, and creaminess. Most notably, it is substantially satisfying and the vibrant color adds a zing to a cold winter morning.

I highly recommend Raw Food: A Complete Guide for Every Meal of the Day if you are interested in incorporating more raw food into your diet. The recipes are simple and do not require you to invest in expensive dehydrators or juicers - you use your oven or regular blender. Lots of lovely photographs too! I already have my eye on a beet-pistachio raw burger recipe for next time.

I've wanted to make this "Hemp Seed Pesto" ever since I enjoyed it at Cafe Gratitude.

Hemp seeds are nutritional gold mines: high in protein, fiber, omega 3 & 6, phosphorous, potassium, and Vitamin E. This pesto is easy and quick to make and taste great on crackers or raw veggies or as a vegetable-bean soup garnish. I'm planning to use it as a topping to tofu.

Hemp Seed Pesto
1 cup basil leaves
2 TBS olive oil
1/2 tsp meyer lemon juice
sea salt
1/4 cup + 1 TBS hemp seeds

Place all ingredients but the hemp seeds in a mini-prep and pulse until blended. Add the hemp seeds and pulse to desired texture. This made 1/3 of a cup.

Thanks to all of my readers for visiting Albion Cooks over the last 5 years! Here's to a happy and healthy year!
