Irish Soda Bread Like Mother Used To Make

I love soaking up a soft egg yolk with soda bread,it has a great texture,and is quick and easy,to make.It brings back memories of family breakfast time as a child,bacon,eggs and soda bread,thickly spread with butter.

image Irish Soda Bread

Irish Soda Bread


1 kg./2 lb.flour ( wholemeal or white )
10 ml./2 tsp.bicarbonate of soda
10 ml./12 fl.oz.milk or buttermilk
 10 ml./2 tsp. salt


a) Sift the flour,bicarbonate of soda,and salt  into a large,warmed bowl
b) Add the milk or buttermilk and mix to a smooth dough
c) Shape into a large,deep circle
e) Transfer to a well greased baking sheet,then cut a deep cross in the centre
f) Put the baking sheet into the oven preheated to hot (220*C/425*F or Gas Mark 7 )
    and bake for 35 minutes or until the top is golden brown.
g) Cool on a wire rack.