Bread for the Journey

Years ago I had a friend who had an only child who was born with very severe asthma. 
Countless nights the frantic parents rushed her to emergency to save her life. 
This child, when I knew her was only two years old and there was a sensitivity about her that gave  you the sense she was not an ordinary child - something about her was 'other-worldly'. 
Her mother told me the following story.
It was Lisa's (not her real name) second Christmas and in her paternal extended family there was a family tradition where the youngest child got to put the baby Jesus in the manger on Christmas Eve.  
That year it was Lisa's turn.  
She did not attend church  or Sunday School (her father was not a believer) and as far as the mother knew no one had told her enough for her to understand to do what she did. 
Lisa took the offered 'baby' from her grandmother and obeyed the instructions to go put it in the manger.  She walked over, laid the baby in the manger and then kneeling down in front of it folded her hands and bowed her head. 
Her grandmother asked in surprise, "What are you doing, Lisa?" 
The child replied, "I'm worshipping Him."   

We read ... "A little child shall lead them" (Is. 11:6)  and Jesus says.. "Except you become as a little child.." (Matt. 18:1-5)

For the world the baby in the manger is quite comfortable to accept, after all every one loves a baby! 
But this baby came to rule as  King of Kings and Lord of Lords!
He came worthy of our worship. 

Does the babe of Christmas rule in your heart ? 
Is your response to Him to fall down and worship Him? 

The chorus of the old Christmas Carol , "O Come all ye Faithful" is an invitation.
"O come let us adore Him,
O come let us adore Him,  
O come let us adore Him, 
Christ, the Lord!"
