Oreo Cream Cheese Layer Dessert

I don't know about you, but Saturday's are usually my baking days.  Does anyone else have a usual day they dedicate to baking or is it just me?  I usually bake my husband and I something nice for dessert, but this past Saturday he decided to bake himself a huge rack of ribs.  A rack of ribs that required over 2 hours of slow cooking in the oven resulting in moist fall off the bone meat.  But those ribs meant my oven was spoken for, and there wasn't enough time to bake the layer cake I'd planned on making that night.  

So that meant no layer cake for dessert, and no layer cake to share with you.  But - I do have something else to share!  And it requires no baking at all.  None!

This creamy delight features layers of crumbled Oreo's, cream cheese, chocolate pudding and whipped cream.  Now tell me that doesn't sound good.  I knew as soon as I found this recipe by House 344 on Pinterest that I had to make it.  

The original recipe calls for this Oreo layer dessert to be made in a 13"x9" glass pan, but I choose to use a smaller pan and then a few small parfait glasses as well.  I'd also planned on taking some photos of the dessert with my camera on the Sunday morning, only to discover that I'd left it at my cousin's house when we were there earlier.  So I'm afraid I had to rely on my trusty iPhone to do the job.  

Oreo Layer Dessert 


3 package rolls of Oreos ( or 1 regular American package)
75g (1/3 Cup) Butter 
1 Box of Instant Chocolate Pudding (Found here in the UK)
600ml Double Cream, divided (or 2 - 8 oz Tubs of Cool Whip)
230g (8 oz) Cream Cheese, softened 
125g + 25g (1 Cup + 2Tbsp) Powdered Sugar  


1.  Crush the Oreo's with a food processor, or in a bag with a rolling pin.  Save 1/2 a cup to sprinkle on top of the dessert when it's done.  Pour remaining crumbs in a 13" x 9" pan.  Melt the butter and pour into the crumb mixture.  Stir the butter and Oreo crumbs until well mixed, and press crumbs in bottom of pan to make a crust.  

2.  Make the chocolate pudding according to package directions and let it set in the fridge.  

3.  In a mixing bowl blend cream cheese until nice and smooth and then mix in 125g of the powdered sugar.  In a separate bowl whip 300ml of the double cream (if using).  Fold the whipped double cream, or one of the 8 oz tubs of cool whip into the cream cheese mixture.  

4.  Spread the whipped cream / cream cheese mixture in an even layer over the top of the Oreo crust.  Next spread the pudding in an even layer over top of the cream cheese layer. 

5.  Whip the remaining 300ml of Double Cream (if using) together with 25g of icing sugar.  Spread the sweetened whipped cream, or your second 8 oz tub of cool whip on top of the chocolate pudding layer, and then sprinkle with the remaining Oreo's. Cover and refridgerate until ready to serve.  

I'd suggest refrigerating the Oreo layer dessert for at least 4 hours prior to serving.  My husband and I couldn't wait that long before we tried the one I made, and it was a bit hard to slice and was quite crumbly.  We had some more the next day and I could actually cut the dessert into slices and lift them out with a spatula.
