Brandy Snaps Like Mother Used to Make

What a delicious, crunchy biscuit, this combination, of ginger and butter, brown sugar, lovely runny golden syrup, makes, they didn't last long after they were made at my home.

Brandy Snaps image

Ingredients - makes about 6 biscuits

. 10 ml, / 2 tbs. golden syrup
. 50 g. / 2 oz. butter
.  "         "       brown sugar
.  "         "       flour
. 10 ml. / 2 tsp. ground ginger
. pinch of salt


. Put the syrup, sugar and butter into a saucepan.Heat until the butter has melted.
. Sift the flour, ginger and salt together, then stir in the syrup mixture.
 . Drop tablespoons.of the batter onto well greased baking sheets, well spaced apart ( don't put more than        two or three on each sheet ) .
. Put into the oven preheated to moderate ( 180*C / 350*F or Gas Mark 4 ) and bake for 7 minutes, or    .   until golden brown.
. Cool for 1 minute, then gradually remove the brandy snaps from the sheets, one at a time, and immediately     roll them around the handle of a wooden spoon.
. Allow to firm and cool on the handle. If they firm up before you have a chance to mould them into shape,       return to the oven for a few minutes to soften.

                                                   Video recipe cream filled brandy snaps

Note brandy snaps can be filled with thick cream for added pleasure !
