Perfect Deviled Eggs

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If there is one thing on a buffet table that is very popular, it has to be Deviled Eggs.    I hope you don't think I am bragging when I say this, but  . . .  I do believe that I make the most delicious Deviled Eggs in the world.  If I had a pound or dollar for every Deviled Egg I have made in my lifetime that was enjoyed by someone, I'd be sitting pretty well at the moment with no financial worries for the rest of my life.   In fact when I worked at the manor, I was under express orders to make sure there was a plate of them in the refrigerator at all times.  I am sure they must have missed them when I left.

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Here in the UK we are lucky enough to have some of the safest egg standards in the world.   British Lion Eggs go above and beyond to make sure that the eggs we are buying meet every guideline for safety.  You can be well assured that if you egg has the Lion stamp on it, it's an egg that has passed very strict safety guidelines.

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The British Lion is the UK's most successful food safety mark with nearly 90% of UK eggs now produced within the Lion scheme. You can read how the Lion Code of Practice has effectively eradicated Salmonella in British eggs here.  I can remember being really freaked out when I first moved over here and saw that the eggs in the shops were not refrigerated.   Turns out the standards are so high, they don't need to be.  (I do refrigerate mine when I get them home however, and you really should as the temperatures in our homes are not the same as those in the shops.)

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It goes without saying that when eggs are going to be the star of the recipe you want a really good egg!  These Deviled Eggs are the best and they are really simple to make.   You need nothing more than some good eggs, some good mayonnaise, some Dijon mustard and some seasoning.  That's it!  Simple.

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People are often very intimidated when it comes to boiling eggs.   I have found through the years that if I follow a few simple rules, they always come out perfectly.

For Soft Boiled Eggs
with set whites and runny yolks
Fill a saucepan wit enough water to cover the egg, and heat to a gentle boil.  Pierce the large end of the egg with an egg piercer or a needle.  (This helps to release any pressure which might crack the shell.)  When the water is gently simmering, lower the egg on a tablespoon.   Set an egg timer.   It will take 3 to 4 minutes for a large egg to be soft boiled.  If you are cooking many eggs at the same time, it is helpful to lower them into the water in a wire basket, such as those used for deep frying.

For Medium Boiled Eggs with firm opague whites and soft yolks.
Medium boiled eggs can be shelled and used in place of poached eggs.  Fill a saucepan with enough water to cover the egg, and heat to a gentle boil  Pierce the large end of the egg with an egg piercer or needle.  (See above) When the water is gently boiling, lower the egg on a tablespoon into the pan.   Cover the pan and remove from the heat.   Let the egg stand for 4 to 5 minutes, depending on how firm you want it to be.

For Hard Boiled Eggs with firm whites and yolks
Pierce the large end of the egg with an egg piercer or needle (see above).  Put the egg in a pan and fill it with water.  Bring it to a boil, and then reduce to a simmer.  Simmer for 12 minutes.  Remove from the heat and immediately place the egg into cold water.

NOTE:  An over cooked egg will develop a harmless dark ring that isn't as appetizing as the bright yellow yolk.

Also for hard boiled eggs, older eggs are easier to peel.  If I know I am going to be needing boiled eggs for something I always  get them in well ahead of time.   I have tried adding salt and vinegar to the water, which is said to help, but the fact remains that the fresher the egg, the more difficult it will be to peel intact.

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In any case I hope you will give my Deviled Egg Recipe a go.  I am pretty sure you will like them.  At least I hope you will!

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*Perfect Deviled Eggs*
Makes 12 servings

I wish I had a pound for every one of these I have cooked in my lifetime.  I'd be sitting real pretty on a huge pile of dosh right now!  These are excellent.  Always the first things to disappear on the buffet table. 

12 large free range eggs, hard boiled and peeled
110g of good quality mayonnaise (1/2 cup)
2 TBS grainy dijon mustard
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp black pepper
paprika to garnish 

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Slice the eggs in half lengthwise.   Remove the yolks to a mixing bowl.  Mash the yolks thoroughly with a fork.   Whisk in the mayonnaise, mustard, salt and black pepper.   Mix until smooth.  Spoon or pipe into each egg yolk half, dividing the mixture equally.  Dust lightly with paprika to serve. 

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Note:  If you are not serving these right away, cover and chill in the refrigerator until you are ready to serve.  Dust with paprika just prior to serving.

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If you would like some more Boiled Egg Recipes,  please check out the link.

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I was sent an Andrew James Egg Boiler to use.  It came with a measuring cup to measure the correct amount of water to use in order to get your egg boiled to the right level you require . . .  soft, medium or hard.  There is also an egg piercer in the bottom of the cup and you can also use it as a steamer to steam vegetables etc.   It has enough space in it to boil up to seven eggs at once.  Many thanks to British Lion Eggs for sending it to me!
