Hasselback Turkey Divans

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 I've seen a lot of "hasselback" type of dishes on Pinterest these past few weeks.   Hasselback Potatoes have long been popular . . .  baking type of potatoes, sliced crosswise every quarter of an inch almost all the way through but staying intact on the bottm, and brushed with an herby garlic butter and baked until the potato edges are all tender on the insides and crisp and buttery at the edges.  They are now doing it with meats.  I've seen a LOT of chicken dishes done this way lately.  When I picked up two turkey breast tenderloin fillets at the shop the other day, I immediately had in mind to cook them in the Hasselback manner!

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One of my favourite turkey dishes has always been Turkey Divan.  I love it . . . delicious chunks of turkey, with broccoli and cheese.  So good.  When I thought of doing a "hasselback" turkey dish, the idea of using broccoli and cheese immediately came to mine!

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These turkey tenderloins are seasoned and then sliced almost all the way through . . .  crosswise . . .  at half inch intervals and the the open sections are stuffed with a delicious broccoli and cheese stuffing.

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 The stuffing is composed of a nice amount of lightly cooked broccoli, which is chopped into smaller bits . .  . mixed with four kinds of cheese and some sauteed onion.  I chose to use low fat strong cheddar, in both white and orange . . .  some gouda for it's melting properties . . .  and a bit of gooeyness  . . .  and then a few tablespoons of cream cheese to bind it all together with some black pepper for seasoning.  The cheese adds enough saltiness I think.

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 I wasn't sure how it was going to work, but I went with it, took a chance and thankfully it turned out beautifully!  I roasted if for half an hour covered . . .  and then another half an hour uncovered so that the cheese got little crispy bits and the turkey all golden brown . . .  it was done perfectly, but I do suggest you test it about 45 minutes in just to be sure.

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You don't want to risk overcooking it and drying it out  Altogether this was stunningly delicious!  It was so attractive as well, very taste tempting.  I served it with some mashed sweet potatoes and garden peas for a delicious entree that fed four people quite generously.

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*Hasselback Turkey Divans*
Serves 4

I almost hate to call these hasselbacks because that is potatoes right, but this is an idea I copied from the delicious potatoes which are sliced in this same way, except this is turkey tenderloin fillets, sliced and stuffed with a delicious broccoli and cheese stuffing. 

two turkey breast tenderloins (each about 340g in weight or 12 ounces each)
1 small head of broccoli, cooked until crispy tender and chopped
1/2 medium onion, peeled and finely minced
1 tsp butter
60g of grated strong cheddar cheese (I used the 30% less fat one) (1/2 cup)
30g of grated low fat orange cheddar cheese ( again used the 30% less fat)  (1/4 cup)
30g of grated gouda cheese (a melty cheese) (1/4 cup)
2 TBS lower fat cream cheese
freshly ground black pepper 

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Preheat the oven to 180*C/350*F/ gas mark 4.  Lightly spritz a baking dish large enough to hold the turkey tenderloins comfortably with some low fat cooking spray.

Melt the butter in a small skillet and add the onion.  Cook until tender.  Add this to the chopped cooked broccoli.  Cut the turkey breast tenderloins almost all the way through to the bottom every 1/2 inch all the way down the length of them.  Season with some salt and pepper.  Place into the baking dish.

Mix together the cheeses with the chopped broccoli and onions until well blended, seasoning them with some freshly ground black pepper.   Stuff this mixture down into the slits which you have cut into the tenderloins, dividing the mixture between the two.  Cover lightly with foil and then place into the heated oven.   Roast for 1/2 hour, then remove the foil and roast for a further half hour, or until the juices from the turkey run clear and it tests cooked through.

Allow to stand for several minutes before cutting each one in half and serving.

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Bon appetit!

PS - Here is a tiny peek at how they look inside, just so you know.  More scrumminess!

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