Vegetarian Meals In England

While the following photos are by no means a complete picture of our recent trip to England with my daughter, I hope you enjoy a taste of our trip!

It was hot and humid in England and I very much enjoyed this refreshing Rose Lemonade at Camden Market- please bring this to the US!  My daughter loved Cereal Killer, where you can compose your own cereal bowl with cereals from around the globe and candy toppings:

A delicious crusty baked brie with apricot chutney at a pub in Hampstead:

Vegetarian mezze plate at Bill's in Oxford:

A vegetarian English breakfast at our Oxford hotel:

A vegetarian pie with veg and mashed root vegetables at a pub in Hampton Court:

Excellent cheese souffle appetizer at the new restaurant at the Tate Modern:

The only vegetarian main at the Tate Modern - goat cheese and tomato pie with greens:

Baked brie at Captain Digby's in Broadstairs, Kent:

Halloumi salads were a common menu item (this one at Captain Digby's):

Ploughman's lunch (without the ham) atThe Old Weavers House (1500, that's A.D) in Canterbury:

Spectacular English picnic prepared by my friend C and very much enjoyed at Knole (Vita Sackville-West's childhood home) in Kent:

This vegetarian English breakfast at London's Pride (Heathrow Airport) was excellent, particularly the bubble cake ( that's bubble and squeak, a fried cake made of mashed potatoes and left-over veg - particularly greens, like cabbage) and the vegetarian "sausage":

And, of course, the sentimental favourite, 99s (creamy swirly vanilla ice cream with a chocolate flake):

So what English goodies did I cram into our suitcase to bring home?  Stay tuned!

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